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Kayla Kelly

Meet Kayla, the seasoned Marketing Manager at Paypro Corporation. With over a decade of expertise in B2B and SaaS-based solutions, she orchestrates the entire spectrum of inbound and outbound marketing initiatives, in addition to contributing to the Paypro blog. Kayla’s passion lies in finding ways to introduce Paypro to anyone looking to navigate the complex HR software selection process.

1 min read

More Employers Take Advantage of FSA Carryover Provision

Almost a year and a half after the IRS opened the door to flexible spending account carryovers, 60% of employers report they have modified or are planning to revise their FSA plans to take advantage of the added flexibility. Employees no longer have...

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1 min read

What are Your Obligations as an Employer under USERRA?

The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) is a federal law that applies to all employers and is enforced by the US...

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2 min read

There’s Little Time Left to Decide What to do With Your Organization’s MLR Rebate

Did your organization receive a Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) rebate this year? If so, there is little time left to decide what to do with it. First,...

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2 min read

Broker Versus TPA – Which is Best for You?

Companies considering retaining a broker versus TPA (third party administrator) to manage their employee retirement benefits have an important...

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1 min read

Fitbit Extends Corporate Wellness Offering with HIPAA Compliant Capabilities

There is good news for companies that are interested in improving employee wellness and reducing health insurance costs: Fitbit extends corporate...

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2 min read

ERISA – Latest News &Trends

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) is a federal law that governs the management of health insurance plans and other benefits in the...

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2 min read

What to do When an Employee Tells you Their I-9 Documents are Fake?

Shocking – but this happens more than you think. And more so now with Deferred Action in place whereby individuals that are granted Deferred Action...

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2 min read

Selecting a Workforce Management Vendor – Here’s What you Should Avoid

As managing a workforce becomes more complex with increasing regulatory and compliance issues, more and more companies are turning to workforce...

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2 min read

Private Exchanges – What Your Employees Need to Know to Navigate Them

If you’re considering moving your company’s health insurance benefits administration over to a private exchange, you probably have concerns about how...

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2 min read

Private Exchanges – the Future of Healthcare?

Regardless of the controversy surrounding the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it has been clear for several years that the US health insurance industry...

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