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Kayla Kelly

Meet Kayla, the seasoned Marketing Manager at Paypro Corporation. With over a decade of expertise in B2B and SaaS-based solutions, she orchestrates the entire spectrum of inbound and outbound marketing initiatives, in addition to contributing to the Paypro blog. Kayla’s passion lies in finding ways to introduce Paypro to anyone looking to navigate the complex HR software selection process.

2 min read

What Is Your Benefits Strategy?

As an employer, the benefits you offer to employees are an important part of recruitment. Unfortunately, a lot of companies continue to use the same basic benefits package they have for decades. If you want to attract top talent, it’s important to...

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2 min read

The Importance of Compliance in an Organization

In any organization, there are certain government regulations and standards that you need to comply with. There are rules governing everything from...

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2 min read

How Do You Fix High Employee Turnover?

Every time an employee leaves your company, the cost of replacing them can add up to tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars. There’s the cost of...

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How to Simplify Open Enrollment for Healthcare Plans

The annual open enrollment exercise is usually a busy and exhausting time for the HR department. However, this period also presents HR with an...

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Generations Z’s – How are they starting to impact the workplace?

Anyone who was born in the year 1995 or later will be considered part of Generation Z. There are some pretty mind-blowing facts associated with this...

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2 min read

Are People Retiring Later in Life? – Tips for Retiring in Your 60’s

We all have to retire at some age. After all, there is a lot to be enjoyed in this beautiful world and after working hard for many years, you will...

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2 min read

Does Positive Reinforcement in the Workplace Work?

If you have noticed that revenue, productivity, and customer satisfaction have plummeted, your company’s team might need some reassurance. Without...

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2 min read

4 Ways HR can use Technology now and in the Future

Not only is technology changing the way we do almost everything in our every day, personal lives—from placing online orders to hailing a cab,...

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4 min read

Top 7 Tips for Onboarding New Employees

You’ve just hired a new employee. They’re smart, talented, hardworking, and one of the best at what they do. They seem ready to jump into their new...

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3 min read

4 Ways to Know if Your Workforce Is Properly Engaged

How engaged is your workforce in what they do? Are they committed to their jobs, and to improving productivity, both for themselves and for the...

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