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Streamline Your Hiring Process With The Best ATS Software For Your Company

Efficiently manage and automate the applicant tracking process in your organization so you can focus on other big-picture tasks. Paypro ATS software is a full service tool kit to manage candidate pools for companies of all sizes. Our ATS will save your HR team time, and save your business money.

What Is ATS And Why Do You Need It?

  • Don’t let quality candidates fall through the cracks because of inefficient software.
  • Inefficient software clutters up your search and makes it harder to identify what matters.
  • Our ATS candidate portal features a self-service FAQ section, reducing calls to HR, and frees up their time to focus on big-picture tasks.
  • Streamline and automate the recruitment process with a system that ensures your teams follow best hiring practices.
  • Build an extensive talent database so that you can quickly fill positions with the right talent.

How to Track Top Applicants Like a Pro

  • Streamline recruitment by automatically comparing candidate eligibility against a checklist.
  • Grow your talent pool to find more qualified candidates for your most important positions.
  • Reduce HR’s time input even further with an applicant tracking system that allows candidates to enter their own information into a self service model and let HR focus on big-picture hiring strategies.
  • Applicant information is automatically added directly into your employee database for future reference and easy onboarding.
  • Better understand your applicants at a glance and sift through candidates simply.
  • Define the employment metrics that you use to evaluate talent.
  • Automate data collection for future analysis.

Types Of Applicant Tracking Software

  • Some ATS aren’t able to integrate with your employee database and won’t be the best fit for your recruitment needs.
  • Work with your HR team to identify gaps in your current system and find a solution that helps to plug those holes.
  • At Paypro our robust solutions tracks employee data from initial application through separation so you never have to worry about wasted time on double keying employee data.

Online Applicant Tracking System

  • Paypro’s applicant tracking software is web-based, so a candidate can complete it at home, rather than have to come into the office.
  • Online tracking makes the process of submitting applications, filtering those applications, and moving candidates through the hiring process as simple as possible.
  • The portal can feature email-based registration, which allows for automatic notifications of the candidate status.
  • A web-based solution ensures that your team can access critical recruiting and applicant information on any device, at any time. Stay on top of your hiring process at all times and never let anything slip through the cracks.

HR Applicant Tracking Software

  • On the internal side, our ATS software easily facilitates categorization, promotion through the process, and either rejection or offer letters.
  • Software-based automation means your HR team will enjoy spending less time on notifying a candidate of their status by utilizing pre-populated templates.
  • Candidates will have a better experience applying for positions within your company, which will give them an immediate feeling of satisfaction towards the process and company as a whole.

What Is The Right ATS For Your Organization?

  • Not all applicant tracking software is created equal.
  • ATS can lead to a revamp of your hiring system, or make your existing process simpler by removing the manual and paperladen steps within your onboarding process or employee performance reviews.
  • Connect with your HR team about which features would be most useful to them and have the team of experts at Paypro customize to fit your specific requirements.

More Efficient Onboarding Leads Directly to Long Term Cost Savings

  • It’s important to consider the time savings in your HR department, which translates to payroll cost savings. Your HR department will be able to focus on big-picture strategies with an online applicant tracking system handling smaller tasks.
  • Improve data accuracy and avoid duplicate entries to minimize data entry errors through self-input onboarding and automated data collection.
  • Easily scan through a database of past applicants for future opportunities, to fill positions quickly.