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Kayla Kelly

Meet Kayla, the seasoned Marketing Manager at Paypro Corporation. With over a decade of expertise in B2B and SaaS-based solutions, she orchestrates the entire spectrum of inbound and outbound marketing initiatives, in addition to contributing to the Paypro blog. Kayla’s passion lies in finding ways to introduce Paypro to anyone looking to navigate the complex HR software selection process.

2 min read

Encouraging Employee Engagement with Health Benefits

What attracts potential employees to your business? More than 75% of U.S. adults say that healthcare benefits strongly factor into their decision of where to work.[i] Sadly, many employees do not take advantage of the benefits available to them....

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2 min read

How to Better Manage your Restaurant Workforce

All over the world, restaurants are facing the same challenges. The food service industry is highly competitive. Budgets are tight and margins are...

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How to Build a Harassment – Free Workplace Culture

In our open society, very few things remain secret for long. For many years, sexual harassment has been quietly swept under the rug; this time is...

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Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Workforce Management Solution

Every organization needs staff to get things done. Managing your workforce effectively is a crucial part of running a business. In the nonprofit...

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2 min read

Is a PEO Right for your Business?

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2 min read

Encouraging Financial Stability in the Workplace

Financial stability is becoming an increasing concern in today’s economy. Are your employees paid enough to live and keep their bills paid? Do they...

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3 min read

5 Ways to Improve Employee Health

Healthy employees are happy employees. Moreover, healthy employees are productive employees. By looking after your workers’ wellbeing, you can reduce...

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2 min read

Are You Aware of Tax Changes in the 2017/2018 New York State Budget?

Everyone’s talking about taxes lately. There are tax cuts, tax increases, changes to deductions, and much more. It can be very confusing. But what...

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