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Latest Industry News (2)

Minimum Standards for Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Every employer in the State of New York is required to provide employees with sexual harassment prevention training pursuant to Section 201-g of the...

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2 min read

Generations Z’s – How are they starting to impact the workplace?

Anyone who was born in the year 1995 or later will be considered part of Generation Z. There are some pretty mind-blowing facts associated with this...

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2 min read

Are People Retiring Later in Life? – Tips for Retiring in Your 60’s

We all have to retire at some age. After all, there is a lot to be enjoyed in this beautiful world and after working hard for many years, you will...

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2 min read

Does Positive Reinforcement in the Workplace Work?

If you have noticed that revenue, productivity, and customer satisfaction have plummeted, your company’s team might need some reassurance. Without...

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4 Ways HR can use Technology now and in the Future

Not only is technology changing the way we do almost everything in our every day, personal lives—from placing online orders to hailing a cab,...

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4 min read

Top 7 Tips for Onboarding New Employees

You’ve just hired a new employee. They’re smart, talented, hardworking, and one of the best at what they do. They seem ready to jump into their new...

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3 min read

4 Ways to Know if Your Workforce Is Properly Engaged

How engaged is your workforce in what they do? Are they committed to their jobs, and to improving productivity, both for themselves and for the...

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3 min read

Seven Tips for Employers to Communicate Benefit Options More Effectively

It’s time for employers to set a new standard for communicating to employees about their benefits options.

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2 min read

What is Workforce Management Software & Why Do You Need It?

Any business that hopes to achieve long-term success must manage its workforce well. Workforce management includes much more than simply supervising...

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2 min read

Benefits – What Should Your Broker Be Doing for You?

When your company sets up a retirement plan, healthcare plan, or other benefits package for its employees, chances are you also hire a broker to...

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