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Latest Industry News (5)

1 min read

Fitbit Extends Corporate Wellness Offering with HIPAA Compliant Capabilities

There is good news for companies that are interested in improving employee wellness and reducing health insurance costs: Fitbit extends corporate...

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2 min read

ERISA – Latest News &Trends

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) is a federal law that governs the management of health insurance plans and other benefits in the...

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2 min read

What to do When an Employee Tells you Their I-9 Documents are Fake?

Shocking – but this happens more than you think. And more so now with Deferred Action in place whereby individuals that are granted Deferred Action...

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2 min read

Selecting a Workforce Management Vendor – Here’s What you Should Avoid

As managing a workforce becomes more complex with increasing regulatory and compliance issues, more and more companies are turning to workforce...

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2 min read

Private Exchanges – What Your Employees Need to Know to Navigate Them

If you’re considering moving your company’s health insurance benefits administration over to a private exchange, you probably have concerns about how...

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2 min read

Private Exchanges – the Future of Healthcare?

Regardless of the controversy surrounding the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it has been clear for several years that the US health insurance industry...

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2 min read

Independent Contractor vs. Employee – What are the Rules?

According to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), an employee is any individual doing work for an employer. The definition is seemingly simple to...

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2 min read

Selecting a Workforce Management Solutions Provider – 7 Things to Consider

Choosing the right workforce management solution for your company can be a weighty task if this is the first time you’ve had to assess the options...

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3 min read

Questions to Ask When Researching ACA Reporting Vendors

The rollout of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has continued in 2015 as the IRS released reporting regulations for employers, requiring them to collect...

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1 min read

New York Proposes $15 Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers

A panel appointed by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has recommended that the minimum wage be raised for employees of fast-food chain restaurants throughout the...

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