1 min read
Private Health Insurance Exchanges – What are They?
For the past two decades employers have been finding it increasingly difficult to provide health insurance coverage to their employees due to the...
1 min read
For the past two decades employers have been finding it increasingly difficult to provide health insurance coverage to their employees due to the...
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When your company sets up a retirement plan, healthcare plan, or other benefits package for its employees, chances are you also hire a broker to...
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Companies considering retaining a broker versus TPA (third party administrator) to manage their employee retirement benefits have an important...
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The rollout of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has continued in 2015 as the IRS released reporting regulations for employers, requiring them to collect...
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HAUPPAUGE, NY, July 20, 2015 —Paypro Corporation, a New York-based workforce management solutions provider announced a partnership with Kronos...
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Many employers are still using paper to enroll their employees even though the ability to automatically apply eligibility rules, collect elections...
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The Internal Revenue Service has announced, in Revenue Procedure 2015-30, the 2016 inflation-adjusted deduction limits for contributions made to...
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COBRA stands for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. It is a law that requires health insurance providers to offer continuation...
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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has tried to simplify reporting for multiemployer plans and contributing employers. They recently issued the new...
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A new ordinance has been signed into law by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio – The Affordable Transit Act.