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Kayla Kelly

Meet Kayla, the seasoned Marketing Manager at Paypro Corporation. With over a decade of expertise in B2B and SaaS-based solutions, she orchestrates the entire spectrum of inbound and outbound marketing initiatives, in addition to contributing to the Paypro blog. Kayla’s passion lies in finding ways to introduce Paypro to anyone looking to navigate the complex HR software selection process.

2 min read

Managing Out-of-State Employee Payroll Taxation

The COVID-19 pandemic has created numerous payroll challenges for employers. If your organization has employees that live in a different state from which your business is located, this can result in additional challenges for payroll taxation.

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3 min read

Defining HR Automation & How It Saves Your Company Money

Human Resources automation is changing the way organizations manage their HR departments. Using Employee Management Software (EMS) allows companies...

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2 min read

PEO Pros & Cons – What PEOs Mean for Healthcare Plans

As your organization grows your HR needs change. If hiring more people to take on the added workload in your HR department isn’t an option, you might...

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3 min read

How Organizations Can Alleviate Seasonal Hiring Difficulties

If your organization depends on seasonal workers, it can be a scramble to find the team required to meet your needs. With so many organizations and...

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3 min read

Tips for Efficient Hiring & Employee Onboarding Post COVID-19

Just as your organization adapted to a new normal introduced by the pandemic, it is also time to begin evaluating HR functions post-COVID-19. Many...

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3 min read

Employees Have Hit the Pandemic Wall: How HR Can Help

While you might have heard the recent buzz term “Pandemic Wall,” many do not actually know what it is. When someone “hits” the pandemic wall, they...

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3 min read

Workforce Management KPIs: Essential Metrics to Manage Your Team

As a small to mid-sized organization, you are the ideal candidate to embrace cloud-based workforce management solutions. They provide an invaluable...

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1 min read

Private Health Insurance Exchanges – What are They?

For the past two decades employers have been finding it increasingly difficult to provide health insurance coverage to their employees due to the...

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4 min read

The Benefits of Wellness Solutions and Self-Care Practices for Employees

Self-care has become a significant buzzword when it comes to health, especially during the pandemic. According to Everyday Health, self-care is...

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3 min read

COVID-19 and the Rise of Unemployment Fraud

In nearly every situation, it seems criminals and fraudsters have a way of finding new opportunities. With the arrival of the pandemic and available...

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