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3 min read

Tips for Efficient Hiring & Employee Onboarding Post COVID-19

Tips for Efficient Hiring & Employee Onboarding Post COVID-19

Just as your organization adapted to a new normal introduced by the pandemic, it is also time to begin evaluating HR functions post-COVID-19. Many companies are now faced with how to pick up where they left off before the pandemic altered the way they did business. 

If you were one of the many that put hiring on hold and operated in various stages of limbo, it’s time to set your sights on hiring and onboarding efficiencies so you are ramped up to get back to business.


Explore the Latest Employment Management Software

If you were in the process of hiring when the pandemic hit without the use of technology, now is the time to explore your options. Technology can help manage a long list of tasks far more efficiently than you can manually. You can use it to sort and review old resumes and applications, update job descriptions and ads and recall staff who might have been laid off at various stages of the pandemic. 

You can then use the system to streamline all of these processes so you can address your organizational needs more efficiently. The best solution is finding employee management software to reduce time spent on menial tasks, expedite the decision-making process and automate data collection for future job searches.

Introduce Recruitment Software

To attract top talent and retain them, you need to manage things professionally from the start. Recruitment software allows you to efficiently manage and automate the applicant tracking process to spot quality candidates and track their interview and hiring process. You can receive, sort and review applicants based on job criteria to help you find the right candidates, and reduce the number of resumes you review and the follow-up calls you make. You can also provide an FAQ portal where candidates can find answers to common questions to reduce calls to your HR department. The process becomes more streamlined, and you also build an extensive talent database in the process. This reduces the need to run new ads and start the process anew every time.

Leverage Digital Onboarding

As you get back to standard operational capacity, you’ll need to ramp up your onboarding capabilities. With a digital recruitment and onboarding system, your HR team provides a self-guided solution that allows new hires to make their way through the onboarding process mostly on their own. This frees up your team so they can focus on other aspects of their roles. The system is also designed to help identify opportunities for improvement in your onboarding process and helps you identify key steps in the process that lead to issues for new hires. A self-guided training portal not only walks new hires through the most important information needed to do their jobs but also provides consistent training from employee to employee. This ensures everyone is walking to the beat of the same drum for improved efficiency.

Consider Your Current Workforce for New Openings

Your existing workforce and those you might have laid off during the pandemic are ready to fill key positions within your organization. They know the business, understand the culture, and make excellent candidates when new openings become available. Using an employee database software allows you to access employee data from one convenient location. 

This is not just personal information, but when they were hired, their pay and their career path. Performance Review Software ensures you maintain a consistent periodic evaluation schedule to share feedback with employees to improve performance while allowing them the opportunity to express their personal career goals. A database of this information makes it easier to search for the best internal candidates when openings become available.

Understand the Benefits of Remote Hires

Remote hiring is still a good option both in the interview process and for the worksite. This represents a new norm that allows you to expand your search beyond your own local area. Everything can be done via your management system including collecting applications, screening, onboarding, training, and providing a protocol to set up their new home office. Remote workforce management software helps you manage your team seamlessly including:

  • Scheduling and payroll
  • Integrated remote worker systems
  • A single database
  • Defined operational workflows
  • Standard remote worker policies
  • Tracking performance and measuring productivity
  • Assigning duties and
  • Remote career guidance, promotion, and training
  • Information access authorization
  • Remote recruitment and onboarding

Your system allows you to maintain control of your remote workforce while ensuring they have the tools and information needed to improve efficiencies. Remote work also helps employees achieve better work/life balance to improve retention.

The bottom line is that at the heart of employee onboarding efficiencies is integrated workforce management software.

About The Author

Ingrid Principe

Ingrid is the Content Marketing Manager at Paypro, managing both inbound and outbound marketing initiatives for the company. She has 15+ years’ of extensive marketing communications experience, leveraging brand awareness and strategic partnerships to increase sales revenue for a diverse group of B2B brands.

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