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Kayla Kelly

Meet Kayla, the seasoned Marketing Manager at Paypro Corporation. With over a decade of expertise in B2B and SaaS-based solutions, she orchestrates the entire spectrum of inbound and outbound marketing initiatives, in addition to contributing to the Paypro blog. Kayla’s passion lies in finding ways to introduce Paypro to anyone looking to navigate the complex HR software selection process.

4 min read

Understanding Comp Time: Guidelines for Employers

Understanding Comp Time: Guidelines for Employers Compensatory time off, or “comp time,” is often misused by employers who don’t understand Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) laws. As a very specific type of compensation, financial and HR professionals...

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8 min read

Q3 2023 State of Workforce Activity

Q3 workforce activity dips initially for a seasonal summer slowdown, though improvements throughout the quarter suggest a steady Q4. Table of...

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6 min read

The Pros & Cons of Different Pay Schedules

Choosing Pay Schedules: Weekly, Biweekly, or Monthly? Choosing a payment schedule can be confusing. You have to choose what will suit your accounting...

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7 min read

Time Theft by the Numbers: Stats & Laws You Need to Know

Employee Time Theft Some people consider theft to be taking physical property without the owner’s consent. But as a business owner, you know that...

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8 min read

Q2 2023 State of Workforce Activity

Q2 workforce activity shows labor market resiliency, with most sectors, company sizes, and regions showing y/y and q/q improvements. Table of...

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4 min read

Demystifying Payroll Deductions: Pre & Post Tax Calculations

Payroll deductions require accurate calculations to ensure your organization remains compliant. Here we help demystify payroll deductions with an...

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9 min read

AI in HR – The Importance of the Human Factor

Across all industries and business sectors, emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are set to transform both our...

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9 min read

Payroll Outsourcing – Pros, Cons, & Best Practices

In today’s marketplace, companies continue to look for cost savings and ways to make their operations more efficient.

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9 min read

HR Compliance Checklist – What You Need to Know

The regulatory landscape regarding HR matters continues to evolve and become more complex. However, this doesn’t mean that HR executives or company...

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4 min read

SUTA Tax Information and Reporting Guidelines

The State Unemployment Tax Act, or SUTA, is a payroll tax for unemployment benefits. Also known as State unemployment insurance (SUI), reemployment...

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