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Technology & Expertise To Navigate The Evolving Landscape Of Healthcare Compliance Challenges

Whether its ACA or your overall healthcare benefits, ensure that your organization is in compliance.

ACA Compliance Is Complex, We’re Here To Help

  • Navigating the ACA is no simple feat. Having a trusted expert there to guide you through the nuances of the law can help to provide peace of mind and mitigate risks.
  • Paypro has a team of experts who will consult with you to ensure your company stay within the bounds of the law. Our consultants will work closely with your teams to design policies and practices that help you to ensure compliance.
  • Technology solutions can also track the different eligibility of each employee. At Paypro our ACA module is a must-have for companies that are attempting to manually track and stay ACA compliant.
  • An important part of employee benefits administration is ensuring compliance with existing federal and state laws. With our team of experts and robust technology platform, Paypro has you covered.

Why Does a Culture of Compliance Benefit Both Employers and Employees?

  • Rather than treat healthcare compliance as a disadvantage, companies that are transparent with their healthcare bolster company morale.
  • Companies that proactively work to ensure compliance with the appropriate technology greatly reduce the risks associated with non-compliance.
  • This increases productivity, and reduces the likelihood of a penalty for non-compliance. Your employees will appreciate having a full understanding of what their rights are, based on federal law.
  • Paypro’s knowledge as a benefits broker makes us uniquely positioned to provide behind-the-scenes support to reinforce that culture of compliance. We work closely with companies to design compliance strategies, mitigate risk, and provide peace of mind regarding one of the most important benefit-related topics today.

Healthcare Compliance Software

  • Companies must meet more than one mandate in order to remain compliant. Paypro offers a full suite of compliance features ensures that your company will be in a position to meet their biggest challenges.
  • Healthcare compliance penalties are costly, but avoidable. With the right systems, you can protect yourself from steep penalties.
  • Healthcare compliance software can help you track your progress with automated reporting. Having a top-down view of your benefits and compliance regulations is critical for spotting holes in your strategies and having peace of mind.
  • If your company lacks a healthcare compliance program, you should take immediate steps to avoid being subject to penalty.

Healthcare Compliance Software That’s Right for Your Organization

  • Choosing the right software is a matter of first ensuring the program is compliant with the ACA.
  • Our ACA module has automated reporting based on the employee data that is captured in our system. This will save your HR teams hours of manual work and ensure that you have a top-down view of your compliance strategy.
  • Integrating with your employee database and time and attendance tracking is the only way to truly have a seamless solution that can automatically give you an accurate representation of your compliance landscape.
  • At Paypro we have our expert team of consultants ready to walk you through every step of the compliance process.

Saving Time and Money Through Automated Tracking and Assessments

  • Automated reporting saves your HR team countless hours at year end, directly impacting your company’s bottom line.
  • Ensure that your system is always updated with the latest information.
  • Reduce the risks associated with human error and ensure data accuracy.
  • Ensure that your employees stay up-to-date with the latest information.
  • Utilize compliance and benefit data to make data-backed decisions.

Solving Compliance Challenges Across All Areas Of Your Business

  • Tax compliance. Using Paypro’s team of tax experts, you can take control of your tax compliance. Make sure that you are paying the right taxes at the right times and avoiding costly penalties that will hinder your business down the road.
  • Payroll compliance. Avoid exemption classification errors, misclassified employee types, meet pay equality standards, and better monitor your workers’ compliance.
  • I9 compliance audits. Ensure all required new hires complete the I-9 form. Permit employees to deliver any documents required by law. Update I-9 forms as necessary.
  • Industry specific certifications. Stay on top of industry-specific requirements and certifications.